Seminar on Business Innovations

Организатор: Стокгольмская Школа Экономики
Даты проведения:

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Описание мероприятия

Длительность обучения: 2 дня
Язык обучения: русский

Выдаваемые документы

All participants receive a certificate of the Stockholm School of Economics.

Описание программы

Stockholm School of Economics welcomes you to take part in a seminar on Business Innovations with Orren Shalit, which will take place in Moscow at SSE Office on April 20-21, 2015.

Organisations in a changing world must innovate in order to survive. Sometimes drastically, sometimes in smal steps. It is therefore not surprising that management has identified innovation as a strategic area in meeting future challenges. Yet far too many still see innovation as something mystical that is difficult to manage and control. But then, there are some organisations where innovation has turned into a skill that is manageable and that can be controlled. There are no miracles. Instead it is about hard, focused, and systematic work.

During the workshop you will learn the foundations for a working eco system for innovation. The focus is on how to concrete, step by step, build up your innovation capability.

Учебный план:

Amongst others the following topics will be covered:
  • What is innovation? The word is used often, but when you ask different individuals from the same management team to define the word you get far too often completely different answers. Without a common definition it is of course to have a strategy, allocate resources, and systemize innovation.
  • What kind of innovation do we need? What risks are we willing to take and which risk do we have to take in order to reach or business goals? Is it a new service or another way of getting paid?
  • How can you build up an organisation’s ability to innovate through knowledge, processes, tools and a supportive organisation?
  • How do you create engagement and the right culture for innovation?

Результат обучения:

You will also get the chance to hands-on learn about:
  • How to systematically mapp our customers needs, mapping them to our assets.
  • Why we have mental fixedness that hinders us from seeing new opportunities.
  • How to systematically overcome mental fixedness.
  • Tools for systematic innovation


Orren Shalit
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