Research project in information systems
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Описание мероприятия
Язык обучения: английскийОписание программы
This course provides students with an opportunity to develop their research skills and to present a substantial piece of original work based on academic approaches applied within the field of information systems.
This course is designed to:
- integrate the various courses studied in the BSc Information Systems and Management and the Graduate Diploma in Information Systems
- develop a deeper level of understanding of a particular information systems topic of special interest through independent study
Students taking this paper are required to submit a project report and evaluation form.
Учебный план:
This course consists of an individual project undertaken by the student. The course is intended to consolidate material that is learnt within the programme, and to allow students to develop and apply knowledge in a particular area of information systems.
The scope of the project can range from a theoretical investigation of some aspect of information systems, to more practical systems analysis work or study of information systems in use. However, it must remain focused on the core topics of information systems and the application and use of information and communication technology within social and organisational contexts.
In all cases a student will be expected to:
- explore relevant and up to date research literature in information systems following guidance and recommendations in the subject guide
- explore literature relevant to the required skills for project management, research writing and research methods
- complete and submit an evaluation form. This provides an account of the development of the main elements of students’ work, as well as a critical reflection on what students have achieved and what lessons have been learned
- submit a final project report on which their assessment will be based.
The project report and the evaluation form must be submitted both as hard-copy and online in an electronic format and may be screened by plagiarism detection software.
Результат обучения:
At the end of this unit and having completed the essential reading, exercises and their own research activities, students should be able to:
- identify the broad outline of the field of information systems and identify a number of key research areas within the constraints of the unit
- select a study topic within the field of information systems and relate it to broader themes and debates within the field
- locate and review materials within the specific areas of interest, going beyond standard textbooks and including academic research literature
- design a research project, assess the resources and skills required to undertake it and prepare a plan
- select a research approach and a conceptual framework appropriate to the chosen topic, together with relevant research techniques
- undertake a project, select data sources, collect data and undertake an analysis
- write a research report in an appropriate style and which conveys the essential detail of work undertaken, the research findings and conclusions
- monitor and assess progress and modify plans as required.
Требования к поступающим:
If taken as part of a BSc degree, courses which must be passed before this course may be attempted:
- IS2062 Information systems development and management and
- IS2138 Information and communications technologies: principles and perspectives.