Information systems development and management
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Язык обучения: английскийОписание программы
This course follows from IS1060 Introduction to information systems. It assumes a general understanding of the nature of information systems, relevant technologies, and the life-cycle model of systems development. Its aim is to develop an overall understanding of the nature of the effort required to exploit the potential of ICT innovation in contemporary organisations. This course does not study any particular technology, nor does it study in-depth technical processes for systems development, such as design, programming, or evaluation. Rather, this course provides a critical understanding of the context within which IS professionals perform specific technical tasks.
Aims and objectives
This course is intended to provide a critical understanding of the context within which IS professionals perform specific technical tasks.
This course is assessed by a threehour unseen written examination.
Учебный план:
Technology, organisational, and social aspects of information systems innovation: The context of information systems innovation; the value of information systems in business firms and public sector organisations; concepts and theories for the study of information systems innovation.
Information systems development: Tasks and methods; information systems development routes (in-house systems development, sub-contracting, packaged software product); the life cycle; critique of the life-cycle; models, approaches and methodologies.
Information systems management: Information systems project management; information systems planning; management of outsourcing; information systems as a service; organisational structures for the management of IS resources; Enterprise governance of IT; management of information systems security; privacy protection.
Information systems and organisational change: Alignment of IT and business strategy; enterprise governance of IT; information systems planning; critique of the IS planning; incremental IS innovation and organisational change through practice; e-government and public sector reform; Soft Systems Methodology for the identification of organisational problems and areas for information systems innovation.
Результат обучения:
At the end of this course and having completed the essential reading and activities students should be able to:
- Discuss the process of information systems innovation as a socio-technical endeavour that comprises both technology and organisational change;
- Identify the main trends in the socio-economic context of organisations that affect IS innovation;
- Critically discuss the relationship between ICT and organisational change;
- Discuss the strategic value of information systems for organisations and methods used for information systems planning;
- Critically discuss the options organisation have to acquire the technologies they need for their information systems;
- Critically discuss some of the most frequently used methods for the development or implementation of information systems;
- Describe the tasks comprising the process of managing IS development and implementation projects;
- Discuss the challenges facing information systems management;
- Explain the notion enterprise governance of IT;
- Identify the security risks confronting information systems and mechanisms used to address them;
- Critically discuss threats to privacy associated with the use of ICTs in organisations;
Требования к поступающим:
If taken as part of a BSc degree, courses which must be passed before this course may be attempted:
- IS1060 Introduction to information systems or
- IS2136 Information systems and organisations