Core management concepts
Организатор: Финансовый университет при Правительстве РФ
Даты проведения:
С открытой датой
Описание мероприятия
Язык обучения: английскийОписание программы
The course covers the main areas of general management and the intellectual foundations of management concepts. It is the basis upon which more specialised functional management courses can be taken.
The aims of this course are:
- To give students a thorough grounding in the key management sub-disciplines
- To provide an overview of the development of these disciplines
- To illustrate the disciplinary anchors of these disciplines in sociology, psychology and economics
This course is assessed by a three-hour unseen written examination.
Учебный план:
- Introduction
- Management and the Firm
- Taylorism, Motivation, and Performance
- The Rise and Decline of Labour
- The Rise of Human Resources Management
- Origins of Management Science
- Accounting, finance and the firm
- Management Accounting: Costing
- Management accounting: Decentralization and
- performance measurement
- Financial accounting
- Modern Portfolio Theory
- Security analysis and valuation
- The Origins of Modern Strategy
- Understanding Organisational Structures
- Analysis of Organisations
- Contemporary Strategic Management
- Strategy and Decision Making
- The Origins of Marketing: The Development of the Theory
- The Origins of Marketing: The Development of the Practice
- Future Challenges for Marketing in the Digital Age and the role of Branding
Результат обучения:
At the end of the course and having completed the essential reading and activities students should be able to:
- Demonstrate understanding of core management concepts
- Apply these concepts to specific business situations
- Analyse and evaluate managerial tools such as balance sheets and marketing plans
- Explain the relevance of social science to business practice
Требования к поступающим:
If taken as part of a BSc degree, courses which must be passed before this course may be attempted:
- MN1178 Business and management in a global context or
- MN1107 Introduction to Business and Management