Business and management in a global context
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Описание мероприятия
Язык обучения: английскийОписание программы
The course provides an introduction to business and management with particular emphasis on their international dimension.
This course specifically aims to:
- give you a research-based grounding in the context of international business including globalising trends, formal and informal institutions, the political, economic, social, technological and legal issues and the resultant diversity of international business
- prepare you to be able to discuss cultural, ethical and social issues for international business and suggest policies of corporate social responsibility
- provide an introduction to and develop your ability to assess international trade and investment, multilateral organisations and regional integration and the global financial system
- prepare you to be able to discuss how firms develop international business, marketing and R&D strategies, enter markets and alliances, and operate and manage on the global stage
- give insight through frameworks, studies and examples of how businesses manage organisational structure and architecture, sourcing and the supply chain, information systems and human resources, in different parts of the globe, globally, regionally and domestically
- give you insight into the contexts of international business and enable you to work within these contexts to make judgements on strategizing and managing operations in the global economy.
This course is assessed by a three-hour unseen written examination.
Учебный план:
Part 1: Introduction to the global business environment
Perspectives on globalisation and international business: trends and drivers of globalisation, foundations of global trade and finance, overview and framework for understanding the global economy, the development of the multinational enterprise (MNE), debates on the nature and impacts of impacts of globalisation, and the implications for managing international business.
Political, economic and legal environments: common and diverse; political, economic and legal; formal and informal institutions and how they contextualise and shape management practices and the conduct of business. This includes comparing national economies, regional integration, international organisations, and relationships between government and business. The chapter introduces the CAGE and Porter Diamond frameworks for analysing business management environments.
Culture society, ethics and corporate social responsibility: informal institutional influences of social, cultural, ethical and religious factors and how these play into globalisation, rendering a necessary focus on balancing global, regional and local factors when conducting business internationally. The chapter discusses differences and types of culture, and religion and the different types of ethics and attitudes towards corruption and corporate social responsibility to be found.
Part 2: Business across borders: the foundations
International trade and investment – theory, patterns, growth of and rationale for foreign direct investment.
Global and regional integration and multilateral organisations: the different levels of regional integration found across the globe, and the benefits and challenges of regional integration. It describes regional integration in Europe, the Americas, Asia and Middle East and North Africa.
The global financial system: the international capital market, foreign exchange markets and related institutions.
Exchange rates and the international monetary systems
Part 3: International business strategy
Strategy and the enterprise in international contexts: introduction to international business management strategy. the PESTEL framework and Ghemawat’s culture, administration, geography, economy (CAGE) framework as a basis for analysing the international environment for a firm, types of strategy commonly pursued in international business, how such strategies evolve, Ghemawat’s aggregation, arbitrage and adaptation (AAA) framework as a basis for designing strategy for international contexts.
Competitive strategy for international business: concepts of corporate and business strategy, how firms compete through competitive positioning and resource-based approaches, dynamics of competition, the global, regional and local dimensions in strategy, Porter’s five forces, value chain and generic strategies frameworks, resourcebased and institutionbased approaches to international competitiveness.
Entry strategies, alliances and evolution: foreign entry strategies, including where, when and how to enter international markets, the strategies to be pursued, the contextual factors that need to be taken into account, the role of strategic alliances in entering and positioning in international markets, how to organise operations given the choices made, evolving the global strategy, including growth by acquisition.
Marketing and R&D strategy: international marketing assessment, international consumers, developing marketing strategy, the 4 ‘P’s mix of place, price, product and promotion, and global branding, new product and market development, distribution and supply chain issues, R&D and sources of innovation including R&D offshoring.
Part 4: International business management
Organisation of international business: different types of organisational structure and how they relate to processes, institutions and culture, includes divisionalisation, matrix and hybrid structures, organisational change issues.
Global sourcing of production and services: global sourcing choices, make-or-buy, production and logistics concepts and developments, sourcing of business services, strategic sourcing issues of emerging locations and country attractiveness.
Global information systems management: business strategy and IS alignment, organising IS for international operations, sourcing choices and the role of offshoring and outsourcing business and IT services, the role of IT infrastructure and its management, retained capabilities, global implementation of IS projects.
International dimensions of human resources management: approaches to managing people, the main functions of the HR department, global pay and incentivisation practices, managing expatriates and multinational workforces, performance management
Результат обучения:
At the end of the course and having completed the essential reading and activities students should be able to:
- demonstrate knowledge of, and the ability to assess, core institutions of international business and how firms manage on the global stage
- assess regional, cultural and institutional differences in how business is conducted globally
- apply core understandings, frameworks and management principles to specific business contexts
- formulate choices and decisions in international business strategy and operations
- operate as an informed employee in an international firm.
Требования к поступающим:
This course may not be taken with MN1107 Introduction to business and management.