Организатор: Финансовый университет при Правительстве РФ
Даты проведения:
С открытой датой
Описание мероприятия
Язык обучения: английскийОписание программы
This course is designed to equip students with the economic principles which are necessary to analyse a whole range of economic problems. It builds on the foundations of economic analysis provided in course EC1002 Introduction to economics.
Aims and objectives
- To deepen the understanding of the basic theory of optimization by economic agents and the efficiency of the resulting outcome for the market as a whole
- To introduce students to the analysis of strategic interaction as well as interaction under asymmetric information
- to clarify the role of economic policies as tools to improve efficiency in the presence of market failures
- to promote the ability to think in a structured framework, and clarify the importance of formal arguments
- to demonstrate the art of modelling which requires simplifying a problem by identifying the key elements without oversimplifying the issue.
This course is assessed by a three-hour unseen written examination.
Учебный план:
- Consumer choice and demand, labour supply
- Choice under uncertainty, the expected utility model
- Producer theory: production and cost functions, firm and industry supply
- Game theory: normal-form and extensiveform games, Nash equilibrium and subgame perfect equilibrium, repeated games and cooperative equilibria
- Market structure: competition, monopoly and oligopoly
- General equilibrium and welfare: competitive equilibrium and efficiency
- Pricing in input markets
- Inter-temporal choice: savings and investment choices
- The economics of information: moral hazard and adverse selection, resulting market failures and the role of contracts and institutions
- Market failures arising from monopoly, externalities and public goods. The role of policy.
Результат обучения:
At the end of this course and having completed the essential reading and activities students should:
- be able to define and describe:
- the determinants of consumer choice, including inter-temporal choice and choice under uncertainty
- the behaviour of firms under different market structures
- how firms and households determine factor prices
- behaviour of agents in static as well as dynamic strategic situations
- the nature of economic interaction under asymmetric information
- be able to analyse and assess:
- efficiency and welfare optimality of perfectly and imperfectly competitive markets
- the effects of externalities and public goods on efficiency
- the effects of strategic behaviour and asymmetric information on efficiency
- the nature of policies and contracts aimed at improving welfare
- be prepared for further units which require a knowledge of microeconomics.
Требования к поступающим:
If taken as part of a BSc degree, courses which must be passed before this course may be attempted:
- EC1002 Introduction to economics and either
- MT105a Mathematics 1 or
- MT1174 Calculus
This course may not be taken with MN3028 Managerial economics