Management and innovation of e-business
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Описание мероприятия
Язык обучения: английскийОписание программы
This course presents an up-to-date analysis of the management, innovation and information systems aspects of the use of e-business technology. It combines transaction cost economics with a decade’s experience of e-business development to discuss e-business trends and strategies. This is a management information systems course and not a technical course. It considers the organisational, managerial, technological and theoretical aspects of e-business and how these elements can be combined to produce innovation in business models, processes and products.
The objectives of the course are to:
- explain the growth of e-business to date, both business-to-consumer and businessto-business, using relevant theories from business, management and the social sciences
- examine the interaction between technological trends and the business and social context of e-business, including the diffusion of social networks and web 2.0 developments
- identify innovations within the domain of ebusiness by presenting cases of the innovative use of e-business technologies
- present relevant theories from business, management and the social sciences that help to explain the development and growth of e-business
- discuss different e-business (business) models and strategies, including global supply chain management and electronic markets
- introduce the notion of new organisational forms, such as virtual organisations, electronic markets and open source production, which depend upon e-business technology.
This course is assessed by a three-hour unseen written examination
Учебный план:
This course covers a broad spectrum of today’s management opportunities and risks in virtual markets, including:
- History and foundations of online business.
- The use of transaction cost theory to explain the economics of e-business.
- E-business models: Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Consumer (B2C) business models and strategies for ebusiness – global supply chain management, electronic markets.
- B2B systems, intermediation, eprocurement and IT in supply chain management.
- B2C strategies – online consumer behaviour, regional and cultural differences and emarketing. • E-business environment – legal, ethical and security issues. Lessons from the boom and bust.
- New organisational forms – virtual organisations, electronic markets and hierarchies.
- Social networks and web 2.0 developments.
- Innovations involving e-business technologies; the role of open innovation in product and process development.
Результат обучения:
At the end of the course and having completed the essential reading and activities students should be able to:
- explain the history of e-business from the boom to the present day
- critically discuss successful and failed e-business ventures
- assess the role of innovation in e-business
- explain the key elements of e-business technology including websites, interorganisational networks, and social networks
- describe the social and legal context within which e-business has prospered
- explain the growth of social networks and their impact on e-business
- analyse and criticise the business models underlying e-business proposals and existing ebusiness systems
- discuss the changing structure of business-tobusiness e-business and the shifting role of intermediation
- apply economic theories, such as transaction cost analysis, to explain the economics of e-business
- explain the interaction between the needs of business and the potential of e-business technology to produce new organisational structures and different ways of working (e.g. outsourcing, mobile working and teleworking)
- discuss the key innovations in business models, products and processes and how e-business contributes to innovation through, for example, open source development and open innovation.